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Since 2020 and with the support of numerous cultural institutions in France and Italy, this project has gradually brought together a wide range of skills and technical and scientific partners, including SOS Méditerranée and Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Marseille. Today it includes more than 500 participants, the majority of whom are European students, as well as a mulitude of donor-builders, including you. This is what our assembly looks like today:

Citizens co-financing the realization of the Boat to be

  • Future contributors…

Institutions and Organizations co-financing the realization of the Boat to be

  • Future contributors…

Technical and scientific partners

  • SOS Méditerranée: sea rescue.
  • Assistance publique Hôpitaux de Marseille: care.
  • Pilotes volontaires: sea search.
  • Les Grandes Tables – I.C.I. – and Emmanuel Perrodin: catering.
  • Association des usagers de la PADA and Association JUST: hospitality.
  • Jean-Michel Berud, Jifmar: maritime.
  • Françoise Blum and Jean-Michel Rachet, former senior European civil servants, and Raphaël Pitti, elected representative and humanitarian: law.
  • Laurence Perrillat, Les Augures: écology.
  • Lou Colombani, Pauline Mairone and Julie Maraillac, Plateforme Parallèle: production.
  • Anne Fontanesi: production.
  • Amélie Coster: production.
  • Lucie Megevand: administration.
  • Cyprien Fonvieille and Grégoire Franc, NEEDE Méditerranée Foundation: financing plan.


  • PEROU (concept): Sébastien Thiéry, Jean-Michel Frodon, Antoine Hennion, Bernard Latarjet.
  • VPLP design (naval architecture): Marc Van Peteghem, Florian Gauthrot, Tanguy Leterrier, Yann Prummel, Christophe Trevisani, David Ovide, Vincent Combaut, Jeremy Bertaud, Mathias Maurios.
  • Atelier Marc Ferrand (design): Marc Ferrand.



  • Master in Ephemeral Architecture and Temporary Spaces and Communication Strategy, ELISAVA, Design and Engineering Faculty, UVic-UCCC, Barcelone.
  • École Zéro and Calypso, multidisciplinary collectives, Paris.
  • Collectif Sur le pont, architects and designers, and Laboratoire Transfert, Nantes.
  • Maëlle Berthoumieu, architect, Brussels.
  • Charlotte Cauwer, architect, Paris.
  • Angelo de Taisne, architect, Marseille.
  • Kristell Filotico, architect, Marseille.


  • Academia di Belle Arti di Palermo.
  • École supérieure d’art de Lorraine-Metz.
  • École supérieure d’art et de design de Saint-Étienne.
  • École supérieure d’art et de design de Valenciennes.
  • Centre de recherche en arts et esthétique - UPJV Amiens.
  • Élisa Larvego, photographer, Geneva.


  • Master Exerce de ICI – Centre chorégraphique national de Montpellier.
  • Laetitia Angot, choreographer, Paris.
  • Jacques Bonnaffé, actor, Paris.
  • Louise Cognard, sound designer, Paris.
  • Médéric Collignon, musician, Paris.
  • Catherine Contour, choreographer, Grenoble.
  • Raoul Fernandez, actor, Paris.
  • Yves-Noël Genod, stage director, Paris.
  • Caroline Gillet, sound designer Paris.
  • Jérôme Hoffmann, sound designer, Montpellier.
  • Valérie Joly, singer, Paris.
  • Noëmie Ksicova, stage director, Marseille.
  • Jean-Baptiste Lévêque, sound designer, Paris.
  • Mathilde Rouiller, chorégraphie researcher, Paris.


  • Istituto professionale di stato Pietro Piazza, Palerme.
  • Lycée technique hôtelier Bonneveine, Marseille.
  • Rémi Ceresola, baker, Marseille.
  • Jérôme Di Salvio, cook, Bordeaux.
  • Ruba Khatib, cook, Lyon.
  • Coline Py, cook, Paris.
  • Jérôme Raffaelli, pastry chef Marseille.
  • Sébastien Richard, cook, Marseille.
  • Yassine Siradji, cook, Marseille.
  • Kevin Yau, pastry chef, Marseille.


  • Design and sustainability research center, UFPR, Curitiba, Brésil.
  • Facultad de Diseno, Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chili.
  • New Media Art Dep., Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology de Varsovie.
  • Master of Product & Interior Design at Raffles Milano.
  • Scuola del Design, Politecnico di Milano.
  • University of Art and Design Halle.
  • Berlin University of the Arts / Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.
  • Atelier de design textile de L’ENSAV La Cambre, Brussels.
  • Besign, Sustainable design school, Nice.
  • Civic City, Montreuil.
  • Collectif wecamefrom, Paris.


  • Atelier national de recherche typographique, 3e cycle de l’École d’art et de design de Nancy.
  • Bachelor of Design and Master of Illustration, Université Montaigne, Bordeaux.
  • Campus Fonderie de l’image de Bagnolet.
  • Students from Collège La Source, Amnéville.
  • Students from Montaigne-Ferry school group, Lyon.
  • Atelier de création graphique Perrine Rousselet, Rouen.
  • Fanny Demier, graphic designer, Toulouse.
  • Silvia Dore, graphic designer, Paris.
  • Sina Fakour, graphic designer, Nancy.
  • Écouter pour voir, Malte Martin, graphiste, Paris.
  • Eddy Terki, graphic designer, Paris.
  • Yannick Fleury, graphic designer, Paris.


  • Shani Breton, builder, Montpellier.
  • Thierry Cabrera, builder, Montpellier.
  • Benjamin Menant, Web technology specialist, Lille.
  • Laurent Neumann, webdesigner, Paris.
  • François Robert, space systems engineer, and Frankjan Sipkes, photographer, Sciences Po Paris, Paris.


  • Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Università di Palermo.
  • Diplôme universitaire Hospitalité, Médiations, Migrations à l’INALCO Paris.
  • Faculty of Law, Economics and Management, Angers.
  • School of Political Arts, Sciences Po Paris.
  • Lille Institute of Political Studies.
  • Lyon Institute of Political Studies.
  • Master Projets culturels dans l’espace public, École des arts de la Sorbonne, Paris 1.
  • Clelia Bartoli, lawyer, Palermo.
  • Julia Belloin, philosopher, teacher, Marseille.
  • Barbara Cassin, philosopher, Paris.
  • Hélène Cixous, writer, Paris.
  • Aurélien De Bolster, philosopher, Marseille.
  • Lucie Degenne, project manager, Paris.
  • Nicolas Détrie, project manager, Marseille.
  • Lancelot Hamelin, author, Paris.
  • Babak Inanlou, mediator and interpreter, Paris.
  • Marielle Macé, writer, Paris.
  • Amir Moghani, translator, Paris.
  • Aman Mohamedsaid, mediator and interpreter, Lyon.
  • Ibrahima Ouattara, mediator, Palerme.
  • Thierry Paquot, philosopher, Paris.
  • Anne Querrien, urban planner, Paris.
  • Jean Torrent, translator, Paris.


  • Center of etnopsychology, Palermo.
  • Agnès Afnaim, Primo Levi Center, Paris.
  • Pascal Auquier, APHM, Marseille.
  • Jérôme Borlot, APHM, Marseille.
  • Roland Cani, APHM, Marseille.
  • Thibaud de la Fournière, APHM, Marseille.
  • Émilie Garrido-Pradalie, APHM, Marseille.
  • Pauline Higgins, midwife, Paris.
  • Pierre Michelet, APHM, Marseille.
  • Aurélie Orban, dietician, APHM Marseille.
  • Elsa Ricq Amour, practitioner and researcher in fascia therapy and perceptive pedagogy (CERAP), Marseille.
  • Jean-Régis Rooijackers, Médecins du monde and Association JUST, Marseille.
  • Aurélie Tinland, APHM and Association JUST, Marseille.

Institutions and organizations co-financing the ship’s design


  • Mondes Nouveaux, a program launched by the French government to support the design and production of artistic projects, 2022.


  • Villa Médicis - French Academy in Rome, 2020.
  • Festival Agir pour le vivant, Arles, 2021.
  • oco Velten, Marseille, 2021.
  • French Institute, Palermo, 2022.
  • Goethe-Institut Palermo, 2022.
  • Kultur Ensemble Palermo, 2022.
  • Fonds régional d’art contemporain Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, 2023.


  • Friche culturelle Transfert, Nantes-Rezé, festival Hospitalités, 2021.
  • Centre Pompidou-Metz, Paper Tube Studio, 2021.
  • Lafayette Anticipations, festival Échelle humaine, 2021.
  • ICI – Centre chorégraphique de Montpellier, résidence ICI, 2021.
  • Le livre à Metz, festival, 2022.
  • Transfestival international de théâtre à Metz, 2022.
  • Mucem, Musée des civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée , 2022.
  • Aix-Marseille Université, festival Sciences et arts, 2022.
  • Zone artistique temporaire, Montpellier, 2022.
  • Grand Parquet – Théâtre Paris Villette, 2023.
  • Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille, 2023.