PURPOSE OF THE ASSOCIATION (created on November 5, 2021; APE Code: 94.99Z)
The purpose of the association is to make possible the design and construction of a rescue vessel for the Mediterranean.
Its approach operates is collective, experimental and forward-looking.
The association aims to draw on the support at local, national and international levels of individuals and grassroots collectives as well as professional contributors from the fields of culture, architecture, education, research, popular mobilization, the human sciences, medicine and the environment.
The association operates on a not-for-profit basis in the general interest.
COMMITTEE (following the General Meeting of December 13, 2023)
- Marc Van Peteghem, President of Navire Avenir, naval architect, co-founder of VPLPdesign;
- Émilie Garrido Pradalie, Secretary of Navire Avenir, Director of Health Research at Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Marseille;
- Louise Guillaumat, Vice-President of Navire Avenir, former Deputy Director of Operations at SOS MÉDITERRANÉE, member of the board of directors of the NGO.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS (following the Annual General Meeting of May 3, 2023)
- Marc Ferrand, designer, director of Atelier Marc Ferrand;
- Jean-Michel Frodon, film critic, President of the PEROU association (Pôle d’Exploration des Ressources Urbaines);
- Gaëlle Henkens, photographer, member of the association Pilotes Volontaires;
- Aliou Jalloh, survivor, social mediator, president of the Association des Usagers de la PADA;
- Aman Mohamadsaid, survivor, interpreter, mediator at the psychosocial space of the Observatoire Santé mentale, Vulnérabilités et Sociétés;
- Laurence Perrillat, co-founder of Augures, a collective supporting cultural players in their ecological transition;
- Arthur le Vaillant, sailor, artist, entrepreneur.