Legal information
The website is published by Navire Avenir, an association governed by the French law of July 1, 1901. (head office: 78 Rue Kleber prolongée 13003 Marseille; SIRET: 90825830400017)
The publishing director is Sébastien Thiéry.
The President of Navire Avenir is Marc Van Peteghem.
This website is hosted by Clever Cloud SAS. (head office: 3, Rue de l’Allier, 44000 Nantes, France; phone: 02 85 52 07 69)
Personal data
a. Donation data
Personal and identifiable data are collected and stored on the HelloAsso platform (third-party service) to process donations, in strict compliance with current French legislation concerning donations to associations and public-interest organizations. This data is not collected, stored or processed, and does not pass through the website. These data may be processed by our service providers (HelloAsso and technical partners) for the sole purpose of accounting and tax management of said donations. This data will not be transferred, sold (except as provided above) or passed on to third parties.
b. Data collected with consent
Personal data (name or pseudonym, e-mail address) may be collected with the user’s consent, at the time of donation, before being redirected to HelloAsso. The user is free to leave these fields blank (all or part of them).
If the user enters his/her e-mail address and/or name/pseudonym, this data is stored on the server(s) of the website. Names/pseudonyms are used on the site to display the list of donors. This data is kept for an unlimited period.
The user freely and explicitly indicates whether they accept that their e-mail address may be used by the Navire Avenir association for communications related to the association’s project and purpose. The date of consent is retained.
These data may be processed by our service providers for the technical management of the site or for anonymous statistical analyses.
This data is not associated with data collected by HelloAsso (see previous section).
This data will not be given, sold or passed on to third parties.
c. Right to access, modify and delete personal data
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, rectify, modify rectification, modification, opposition and deletion of your personal data. the anonymization of your data on
You can exercise this right by contacting us:
However, we will take the precaution of verifying your identity before granting you access to your personal data or acting on your corrections. your personal data or follow up on your corrections.
A session cookie encrypted by the server is created to authenticate and secure the donation intent form. It has a lifetime of 10 days. It is not shared or made accessible to any third party. (Host_Session, HttpOnly).
This Website is the fruit of the essentially voluntary work of many members of the Navire Avenir assembly, including the following key players:
- Writing: Sébastien Thiéry.
- Graphic design: Malte Martin.
- Web development: Benjamin Menant (lead back, lead front), Laurent Neumann (front).
- Contributions: Jean-Baptiste Lévêque, Fanny Demier.
- Translations: Lucie Megevand.
- Drawings: Charlotte Cauwer.
- Pictures: PEROU, Navire Avenir.
- Ship plans and previews : VPLP design.
- Fonts: Palermu, Minuscule.
- Technologies: Astro, Tailwind CSS, Fastify.